Midland & Western Winter League 2022

Results as follows



1st  Tadgh Murphy    The Baroness of Carn

2nd  Emma Golden     Bobby Moone Sparrow



1st  Niamh  Macken  Diamond King Henry

2nd  Michelle Gilligan    Avalon Outkast

3rd  Zara Walsh    Flowerhill Dusty



1st  Simone Hession    Beezies Ripple

2nd  Nina Reinbold Molloy    Kingsborough Samira



1st  Cadhla Curran    Southeast Starlight

(to qualify riders had to compete at the final – unfortunately although we had very competitive elementary classes throughout the winter, Cadhla was the only rider in the league who attended the final,  The win was well deserved as she won the class on the day)



In this amalgamated league Maeve Deverell scored an equal 1st, winning with Annaharvey Dunowen in the medium and Derravaragh Boy in the FEI Pony Rider (equal points with both rides)

3rd was Michelle Gilligan with Avalon Renkum


AM and above

1st  Simone Hession    Beezies Double Diamond 

 Midland and Western Region Dressage Winter LEAGUE RULES

League will run at the following levels:



Elementary/ Children on horses

Medium/ FEI pony

Advanced medium and above.

Trailblazer Preliminary

Trailblazer Intro (under 10’s)


Points will be awarded at all shows for placings with 10 points for a first down to 1 point for 10th and below.  Points will count from every test ridden. All Categories are combined for points

To qualify for the league, a horse and rider combination must compete at a minimum of 1 show prior to the regional league final as well as the final itself.

Prizes will be awarded from 1st – 4th in Prelim to Elementary and 1st-3rd in Medium and above.  

In the event of equality of points, the rider who has attended the most shows will gain the higher place. If still equal, the actual percentages gained at the shows will be used and the highest total will gain the higher place.

A rider may compete in more than one level.

To be eligible for prizes, a rider must have completed  6 hours of help during the league. Nominate another person to complete your helper hours only when notified to the secretary or a committee member in advance of the show day.

Combinations must compete in Final.

Unregistered Combinations are welcome.  Registered members of other regions are welcome.

First show of league will be held in Iceford on 23rd October.

Final to be held in March.

