HSI Upcoming Safeguarding Courses

 Wed, 1st Jun, 2022

Details of HSI’s Safeguarding Courses for 2022 can be found at the following link:https://www.horsesportireland.ie/governance/safeguarding-trainingcourses/. Courses can only be booked through the website. Please pass on to any relevant people within your Affiliate.

The list of Courses available in August are below:

Safeguarding 1: 30thAugust 6:30pm to 9.30pm

21stSeptember 6:30pm to 9.30pm

Safeguarding 2: 25th August 6:30pm to 9.30pm


Safeguarding 1 – Basic Awareness: 13th October 6:30pm to 9.30pm

20th October 6:30pm to 9.30pm

15th November 6:30pm to 9.30pm

7th December 6:30pm to 9.30pm

Safeguarding 2 – Children’s Officer Workshop: 30th September 6:30pm to 9.30pm

Safeguarding 3 – Designated Liaison Person Workshop: 22nd November 6:30pm to 9.30pm

